The name of Tukay means a whole epoch in the intellectual development of the Tatar people, its literature, art and the whole culture making....

Gabdulla Tukay Advice 

My dear friend, please listen to my advice:
Conceal your secrets, or you’ll pay a price.
Your tears, grief and laughter you should hide.
Your soul’s a treasure box, your greatest source of pride.
How cruel and spiteful is our callous human flock,
They love themselves, the rest they hate and mock.
They are like beasts, which you can never trust,
Even the fiercest wolf they have surpassed.
You cannot keep your secrets, oh, how pitiful and sad,
The instant you have shared them, you are as good as dead.
You know how wolves go hunting for their prey,
Beware of evil — it will twist whatever you may say.
If you are hurt, possessed by doubts or fears,
Cry softly when alone but always hide your tears,
And if they ask you why your eyes are wet,
Just tell them they are wet because of sweat.


В оригинале на татарском: Киңәш («Якын дустым…)

В переводе на русский язык: Совет (Перевод О.Дмитриева)


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