Allah, God Almighty, let gold be cursed,
Of all the earthly evils this one is the worst.
Call for your archangels, whom you have to tell
That this yellow metal belongs in hell.
All the yellow shaitans should in fire burn,
This revenge poor people have surely earned.
Save this world of ours from shaitan and Iblis,
Life without gold will be our blessing and bliss.
Gold is pure evil, tempting people’s lust,
Those who worship gold keep the devil’s trust.
Much as I have traveled, been to many lands,
This world is ruled by gold, gold beckons and commands.
Truth is overshadowed by the golden calf,
Who will fight the devil – who will say ‘enough’?
Torah, Quran, Bible – the Word of God is told.
Yet people, deaf and blind, still believe in gold.
В оригинале на татарском: Алтынга каршы
В переводе на русский язык: Против золота (Перевод В.Звягинцевой)