The name of Tukay means a whole epoch in the intellectual development of the Tatar people, its literature, art and the whole culture making....

Gabdulla Tukay Some People Like…

Someone likes winter, but the freezing cold
Makes poor people shiver, both young and old.
And others like summer, its beauty and grace…
But what about those who don’t have a place
To hide from the heat – for them it is hell,
They dream of a shelter where to dwell.
Admire this world with its rivers and seas,
Then why do I dislike it the way it is?
We, sons of Adam, are this world’s disease.


В оригинале на татарском: Яратырга ярый

В переводе на русский язык: Любил бы (Перевод В.Думаевой–Валиевой)




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