The name of Tukay means a whole epoch in the intellectual development of the Tatar people, its literature, art and the whole culture making....

Sagit AGISH about Tukay…

Sagit Agish (1904-1973), Bashkir writer, Salawat Yulayev BASSR Republic Prize laureate (1975):

Once I asked one of my best friends, who knew literature very well, “Who is your favourite Tatar poet?” He did not like my question and seemed to me to be somehow hurt. “Why do you ask me such an easy question?” he answered. “Ask me more complicated one to give me a chance to think over and discuss it.” “Why?” I asked. “Ask me, “Who is your favourite Tatar poet except Gabdulla Tukay,”” he told. Indeed, Gabdulla Tukay is a really talented person, admitted by all the nations. Tukay is a national poet. He is not just a poet of one nation, but of a lot of ones. Before the beginning of the revolution, Tukay was admitted not only by the Tatar nation, but also by all the Turkic ones that lived in Russia. That’s why answering my question with a question was quite appropriate. Tukay wrote, 

The flower will not grow; the flower will not open,
If there is no a drop of rain;
Where should poet take a poem from?
If there is no inspiration.
(word-for-word translation)

Tukay’s oeuvre is a rich land and Pierian spring for young talents, new opening flowers, who enter such an outstanding Tatar literature abundant in traditions and customs handed down to us through the centuries.


During his life Tukay shared all the moments of the national joys and griefs. Each great event in the life of the nation was immediately reflected in his works. Tukay considered them to be his own things. That’s why great Tukay, well-known Tukay is honoured not only by the Tatar nation, which grew him up, but by all the nations that consider his oeuvre to be their own one.


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