The name of Tukay means a whole epoch in the intellectual development of the Tatar people, its literature, art and the whole culture making....

Sultanmurad AKBIEV about Tukay…

Sultanmurad Akbiev, Kumyk theorist of literature:

The poetry of Gabdulla Tukay, along with the traditions of the Kumyk literature, its oral folk arts, positively influenced the acievments of the national poet of Dagestan, a walking library of the history of the Kumyk culture Atkay Adzhamatov. Collected works of the Tatar poet, as well as certain editions of his books are in the most honourable place among a great deal of books his library has. A.Adzhamatov learned from Tukay to depict life in its entirety, to be humorous and active, to think deeply and to a lot of other things. We usually say, “If there is no Tukay in the Tatar literature, there won’t be Atkay in the Kumyk one”. It is an evidence of the Kumyks’ endless love to the great son of the Tatars nation.

There was likely no any famous Kumyk poet and writer who would not appeal to the immortal heritage of the Tatar poet since the day of his first works publication. Kumyl poets and writers adopted Tukay’s art of great thoughts and deep feelings, art of high skills, and art of raising and solving problems of the national culture development. This is the reason of why the creative heritage of the classic of the Tatar literature is as important for the Kumyks as it is for the Tatar nation.  


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