The State prize of the Republic of Tatarstan named after Gabdulla Tukay has been awarded since 1958. It was instituted by the Decrees of the Tatarstan CPSU

Regional committee and Council of Ministers dated April 8, 1958, and October 11, 1965 (it was not awarded in 1961-1965).
The State prize of the Republic of Tatarstan named after Gabdulla Tukay is awarded for the most outstanding literary and art (visual, music, dramatic, variety, circus, cinema, architecture and town building) works which got public recognition, made significant contribution to development of domestic and national culture, are distinguished by a high level of professional skills and peculiar author’s style, novelty, as well as for outstanding scientific researches in the field of art and literary criticism.
In order to encourage the field of literature and art the President of Tatarstan M.Shaimiev signed the Decree № UP-824 dated December, 31, 2004, according to which three State prizes of the Republic of Tatarstan named after Gabdulla Tukay at the rate of 300 thousand rubles are established annually.
Nowadays, the State prize is awarded to 169 literature and art workers as well as the State Folk Dance and Song Company of the Republic of Tatarstan.
The first prize-winners became the symbols of the Tatar national art while their works were admitted as masterpieces. They were a composer Farid Yarullin for his “Shurale” ballet, a writer Ahmed Faizi for the novel “Tukay”, a composer Nazib Zhiganov for his opera “Jalil”, an artist Harris Yakupov for the illustrations of the book “Tatar folktales”, an actor Khalil Abzhalilov for his part of Miskhab in the performance of G.Kamal Tatar Drama Theatre and others.