Gabdulla Tukay Mother’ prayer

Evening comes to the Tatar village; the magic bright moon is in the sky
Under its light all seems silver: houses, roofs, fields nearby

Very silent. Working people fell asleep because they’re tired
From the sunrise till the sunset they are working very hard

Any sound heard around, even barking of the dogs
But in one house in the suburb a little trembling light still burns

An old woman in that house has knelt down on a prayer rug
And her soul is soaring now very high in heavens’ hug

She has raised her hands in prayer and her wish is only one
She is whispering with devotion asking God to bless her son

Bitter tears are slowly rolling down her wrinkled face
Do you really suppose that God will not shed His grace?


Translated by Zelfiya Minnebaeva

Перевод Зульфии Миннебаевой

Оригинал на татарском: Ана догасы

В переводе на русский: Молитва матери (Перевод В.Думаевой–Валиевой)

Молитва матери (Перевод В.Ганиева) 

Комментарий язарга
